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We go round and round in circles

We go round and round in circles

Chasing dreams.

Dreams of fancy places,


scrumptious dinners.

We go round and round our daily lives

Negotiating, dealing,

making plans.

Plans to build an empire,

to be more abundant,

gain more fame.

We go round and round in circles

Moving forward

On to another promotion,

the next stage

On to another upgrade

to our already comfortable lives.

We go round and round in circles

Being in OUR lives.

While somewhere

in another part of the world

A different reality exists.

In another part of the world

People go round and round in circles


Finding shelter from the cold,

solace from the pain,

escaping the butchery.

In another part of the world

People go round and round in circles


Wishing for breathing spaces,

hoping for safety,

longing for their homes.

In another part of the world.

People go round and round in circles


Fervently praying

that things change

Waiting to be acknowledged,


given aide.

In another part of the world

People go round and round in circles


Waiting for us

who are not affected

to pay attention

To admit that we are part

of what is going on in the world.

Because our silence is heartbreaking

And our inaction is our choice.

We go round and round in circles

Chasing OUR dreams.

When will we stop to help them with theirs?

-Lana Jelenjev

December 13, 2016

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