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Inclusion from Within: Embracing the Gifts of the Different Parts

  • 11 Steps


How would it be for us women if we deeply included ourselves? How would that look like, sound like and feel like? How might our deep inclusion of ourselves enable us to reconnect with all parts of ourselves, especially the parts that we mask or move away from? How might our deep inclusion of ourselves resonate and inspire others? In this course we will explore how to embrace the gifts of the different parts through: - Virginia Satir's Parts' Party - Somatic Dance on Including ourselves to fullness - Guided meditation on intergenerational resourcing through the song "We are held" by Yvonne Daher The guides for this course are: Lana Jelenjev- community alchemist, HOPE facilitator, and healing-entered engagement practitioner. Her work is about promoting self-fullness and community fullness through healing-centered practices. Ana Maria Guguian - a movement artist, dance therapist and somatic coach. Her purpose is to accompany you in the quest of coming back to your body, senses and soul. Yvonne Daher - a coach, mentor and consultant supporting founders, leaders in reconnecting with their purpose, power, and voice. This personal development course was created from the recently concluded women's online gathering last International Women's Day 2024.

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